Howie surprised me one day with a beautiful, bright orange gift. The problem was that he had just begun a recording project so our time together being creative and artistic was spent in the music room, not with knives in our hands.
Shea came to visit today with the Etzel kids which presented the perfect opportunity to have Mercy carve a pumpkin with me.
I had an idea to do flowers so we began carving the top. Next we tried to peel the design from the skin. This was the first time I've ever tried this and it was pretty exciting to watch the design break out of the hard skin. Then light ! It needed to have openings for the light to shine through.

I think that you will agree that this makes a cheerful and colorful lamp! What I like the best is the way the light plays on the walls. Plus it is 100% recyclable.
Now I am convinced - carved lanterns offer plenty of opportunity to be creative, artistic and functional.